First Day Back

The first day back to work after any trip or break is always the worst one.

My mind is still in holiday mode but the world is telling me to get back to the grind and work for a living! Yuk! 

In order to get over this post trip blues I like to look ahead at the plans in place and the plans to be made. I like to have something booked or planned to look forward to and motivate me through the slower days at work.

Copenhagen – October 2016. This is going to be a good trip. Copenhagen with two of my longest suffering friends for a long weekend. A chance to explore another place in Europe and a new country ticked off my list! The plan is to visit most, if not all of the countries in the world… or at least the ones where I wont be in immediate danger the moment I think about the place, let alone go there.

Once this trip has been and gone I’ll need to get cracking on planning 2017’s adventures! so far my thought process goes like this (In no particular order):

  1. USA – Boston – MA, Washington D.C. Maybe one, maybe both we shall see, but they both look pretty interesting and you know – why the hell not!
  2. Svalbard, Norway – This is a bit of an out-there one I will admit, but this lump of rock north of Norway seems really interesting, from snowmobiling or Kayaking across the lakes to the polar bear safari to the doomsday seed vault. I think it would be an interesting experience!
  3. More of Eastern-Europe. Eastern Europe was a fabulous eye opener. I’d like to see more of that mysterious and characterful eastern block! This could be where a company like GAdventures or Contiki come into play, why not do another whistle-stop tour of a number of them.

As for having a long term goal, I’d very much like to road trip across Europe and from tip-to-tip of New Zealand. Those would certainly be the dream! (I’d like to do the same for the UK, admittedly this is a lot more reasonable and do-able than the previous locations – Perhaps I’ll do this one year anyway)

I realise I wont be able to do all of them in the same year and save for a house at the same time (I know, being responsible sucks! But I don’t want to keep living at home forever!) but i can bloody well try and do as many as possible!

I love making plans for exploring and going on adventures and I love sharing new experiences with others. It’s a wonderful thing to see new places and experience a culture you’ve never even considered before.

This travel bug probably isn’t going to go away anytime soon, and I hope i can get my act together and do a huge trip someday too.

Anyway I should probably stop rambling and do some work!

Until next time folks


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